Season 2 Premiere: Beyond Queer Tragedy
Coming Out of the Celluloid Closet - En podcast af MIX COPENHAGEN

TW: strong language; talk of transphobia, homophobia, suicide, and hate crimes Welcome to Season 2 of Coming Out of the Celluloid Closet! Hosts Andrea Coloma and Kate Krosschell can’t contain their love for queer film. In 8 new episodes, listen along as we go deep into common themes in LGBTQ+ cinema and talk to experts who are queering the silver screen. To start us off, in this episode you'll get to know our Andrea and Kate and hear about how we’re framing this season around the theme of looking beyond queer tragedy. You can find show notes and transcripts in Danish and English for this episode on // Velkommen til Sæson 2 af Coming Out of the Celluloid Closet! Værterne Andrea Coloma og Kate Krosschell er så begejstrede for queer film, at de ikke kan lade være. Lyt med, når vi dykker ned i hyppige temaer i LGBTQ+ film og taler med seje gæster om deres perspektiver i filmbranchen. Til at starte med, i dette afsnit, kan du lære os at kende, Andrea og Kate, og høre om, hvordan vi framer denne sæson omkring at håbe på mere end queer tragedie. Du kan finde show notes og transcripts til denne episode på engelsk og dansk på