Ryan Lott of Son Lux

A lot of what has transpired in Ryan Lott’s life as a musician has been unexpected, mainly in as much as his unfearing forays into the potentiality of his medium has expanded his zone of interest, and that of his band Son Lux. The gumption of Son Lux has landed them in some unusual places, not least of which was at the helm of scoring one of the most unusual films ever made – Everything Everywhere All at Once. Listen along as Lott gets open about being a part of the first ever Oscar nominated...

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Loki composer Natalie Holt and Charles Steinberg sit down with some of your favourite composers and gets into the nitty-gritty of what it takes to create some of the most iconic scores that we hear in film, TV & game today. Subscribe to our channels to stay up-to-date with our latest releases & features across the magazine!