Ep. 1 - From the Bottom of the Stairs to the Chop of the Tarts

Well well well. It’s us, Em and Liz, here with our first episode. Today we’re talking about bowling ball haircuts, pining for Harry Styles’ attention, biting knives, ill-fitting tour merch, and Facebook ratings circa 2010. Buckle up. https://twitter.com/coatdpod https://www.instagram.com/coatdpod/ https://www.facebook.com/COATDpod https://www.tiktok.com/@coatdpod? [email protected] Music: Crimson Fly - Huma-Huma https://youtu.be/qpxhgby-ONI

Om Podcasten

Two twenty-somethings utilizing their excellence, expertise and promise to engage in an intellectual dialogue on the single most significant cultural phenomenon of the modern era—boybands. Join co-hosts Em and Liz as they relive their glory days, and pretend like they ever moved on from being teenage fangirls.