Ask Powerful Questions

INTRO:Hey, thanks for tuning in to the Corporate Yogi podcast, I’m your host Julie Zuzek. This pod is YOUR dedicated time for growth, developing practical tools to use with your team and other relationships and to learning deeply about who you are and what makes you tick! Because you are a brilliant and powerful being and I want you to invest more time reflecting on WHO are being, not just WHAT you are doing. Doing is awesome, but BEING, well that is where the magic happens and what makes you truly feel fulfilled. You’re going to love this episode on the  that leaders make. So here’s a look at what you’re going to learn today1 – In the first segment we’ll introduce you to powerful questions and when to use them2 – Then in the second segment we’ll explain the main categories to use them3 – And in the last segment I’ll share the best powerful questions to ask in certain situations  So, get out of your head and into your heart, and let’s dive right in shall we?   SEGMENT 1   Do you ever wish you had a truth serum pill that would get people to tell you what they really want, reveal their truth. Well you do and it’s asking powerful questions.  They will get people to reveal their truth. You can use them when you want people to open up, be more introspective and consider aspects of themselves they’ve never done before. So what distinguishes a regular question from a powerful question? A Powerful question will get people to stop and think. It disrupts them from unconscious thinking and patterns and makes them think deeply about their answers. Powerful questions have these 3 qualities or aspects: 1 – they’re short. The shorter the better in fact. We sometimes have the bad habit of wanted to use these  questions to make ourselves sound really intelligent, so they end up getting long and complicated. 2 They should be simple, dare I say, bordering on dumbed down, only one dimensional. 3 they should be neutral and not leading and not specific to our target.How do we ask them in a way that we have success with them?Be confident when asking, sometimes they don’t have an answer right away, and that’s ok. Allow for silence and space after you ask so your employee can reflect.Don’t have an agenda and predetermined answer you’re hoping to hear. Don’t be leading or make it about you. Use them in “real-time during the conversation and ask them one at a time. This is an advanced use case if you’re real-time solution finding.  SEGMENT 2 Why do powerful questions work so well? There’s a few reasons. They give the power to the other person, let them be the expert for a turn. They also force them to get in their head and think and reflect. And because they’re so simple, it gives them a chance to be in the drivers seat for a change. There are two main reasons to use them, First in a premeditated state and second is in the moment. Let’s start with the premeditated situation. This is a situation that you know is going to happen and creating a powerful question helps to prepare you. It’s like. It’s like a situational blueprint – like a job interview, or if their unfulfilled at work, or want to have a conversation about their career planning or finding their life purpose. What makes this scenario unique is you usually have a SET series of questions that you ask all the time. So for a career planning discussion you would ask them where they want to be, what is important to them, what makes them feel fulfilled? For a job interview you might ask the same series of boring questions – what are you good at? Where have you failed? What are you proud of. The other situation with powerful questions is where the situation is a surprise and you just wing it. An example would be conflict at work, or disengagement, or your employee has a death in the family....

Om Podcasten

Designed for conscious leaders building extraordinary teams, the Corporate Yogi podcast spreads practical leadership advice fused with ancient spiritual wisdom. Julie is a mentor, a muse and visionary. You'll learn from her wisdom and be inspired by her authenticity. This podcast is the curation of lessons learned from Julie’s high-performance coaching clients. As a highly sought-after leadership coach, Julie works with leaders at major corporations including RBC, Deloitte, BMO, PwC, Facebook, Kellogg Schulich, Canadian Tire, Google, and Visa. She is a highly respected expert in the business community and believes that Monday morning should be more exciting than Friday afternoon. This podcast takes a fresh approach to leadership development – it’s not your typical HBR or Ivy league philosophical approach. It leads with an angle of personal development, personal leadership, Business transformational, and team leadership, infused with many personal stories that are cheeky, relevant, and fun. Julie is dedicated to building workplace cultures that employees actually brag about and helps clients with Leadership Excellence, Career Planning, Transition, Self-Reflection, Personal Development, Personal Brand Building, Employee Engagement and Retention Strategies. In this podcast you will learn about Julie’s proprietary system called the Inner Design Method which helps you understand WHO you really are and WHAT you truly want. This powerful, intensive method uses personal development and reflection tools to unlock deep levels of awareness and personal connection. Topics within the method include discovery of Core Values, defining a Life Purpose Statement, Life Design Process (Reflect, Future and Present), Relationship Design Tools, Change Design Tools, the Belief Design Process, Identifying Key Saboteurs and their Core Messages, Trust Model and Team Theory, Growth Mindset Model and Leadership Legacy. Popular topics from the podcast focus on growth mindset Vs fixed mindset, nurturing a Growth Hangover, living within a Comfort Zone Vs a Stretch Zone, how to build a Personal Leadership Brand and get comfortable with self-promotion. You’ll also discover what your Leadership Blind spots are, establish your Leadership Legacy and build trust with your team and understand how the trust model works. You’ll learn how to avoid the biggest hiring mistakes and tools to get out of the weeds and give away your LEGO. Other leadership tools include creating a Designed Alliance and designing a team offsite to use these Peak Experiences with your team to champion change and build trust with your team and use different models for change adoption. Understanding how to work with introverts and extraverts on your team, and the benefits of infusing coaching skills and techniques into your leadership by asking powerful questions and leverage Emotional Intelligence, IQ, PQ and EQ. Other great leadership topics include receiving feedback via a 360 Review report, giving effective and timely feedback, saying NO and setting boundaries and avoiding areas of self-sabotage like Imposter Syndrome, the Spotlight Effect and Pedestal Complex. The podcast also features valuable lessons from relevant books and authors like Gay Hendricks, Simon Sinek, Seth Godin, Susan Scott, Brene Brown, Gary Keller, Brian Tracy, and of course classic books like Good to Great from Jim Collins and How to Win Friends and Influence People from Dale Carnegie.