4 Steps To Specializing Your Sales and Marketing Techniques with Perry Marshall

Consulting Success Podcast - En podcast af Consulting Success - Mandage


Today I’m very excited to be joined by Perry Marshall. Perry is the author of several fantastic sales and marketing books and splits his time between higher-end client work and equity in companies as well as his science and technology project Evolution 2.0. Today we’re diving deep into the ways you can find your ideal clients, how to successfully manage your sales, marketing strategies, and business growth, and what to do next when you finally reach the level of consulting success that you’ve been working towards. Perry shares some really great insights into the ways you can reach those goals even sooner than you hoped and I know you’ll be inspired by his success. It’s all on this episode of The Consulting Success Podcast with Perry Marshall. 30 Ways to Find Your Next New ClientMost people know Perry as the author of sales and marketing books, but that is just the tip of his professional iceberg. Like Perry, successful consultants tend to have a wide variety of services they can offer the world. Consultants are thought leaders and thought leaders are naturally prolific with their ideas.Each one of those ideas just may be the one that will land your next new client. You can’t be afraid to act on any one of them.There is safety in casting your net wide, and Perry shares multiple ideas on how you can do just that. From writing books to hosting workshops and securing speaking engagements on podcasts and in seminars, every effort to gain greater exposure in the marketplace will bring greater security to your work. By utilizing different formats and materials, you are reaching all kinds of customers and adding diversity to your portfolio.But before you extend yourself too far, you’ll want to listen to the cautionary tale that Perry shares about securing this kind of diversity. It took several steps to gain legitimacy for his work, at which point he traded revenue for longevity. You’ll hear him explain why the trade-off was completely worth it and you just may be inspired to find ways that you can step out of your niche to become a more recognized expert in your field.Just like Perry, there will be times when you need to adjust your approach to your consulting business along the way. If none of your marketing strategies will provide you any return for another five years, you need to find a way to speed things up.On the other hand, if you’ve found an instantly successful strategy, examine it to see if there is a way you can make it a long-term sustainable facet of your business strategy. In both scenarios, the efforts you put in have the potential of producing great results. The Evolution of Sales and MarketingIf you can dedicate two years to your business, you can achieve consulting success.In the early stages of your consulting business, it is critical that you remain very focused on generating immediate revenue. Once you’ve got that pipeline of business in place, you can look forward to the next level of business.But how do you get there? Perry has four action points to help you get started.First, send out regular emails that are filled with high-quality content. Every email you send should make your readers want to read the next one, as well. And you never know which email will help you secure your next client.Second, dig a deep trench. Your business is your castle, and you have to protect it from destruction with a secure moat. If you can do this, you can immunize yourself from competition.You can start digging your trench by asking yourself this question — how hard would it be for someone else to do the same thing I’m doing? If your work is easily duplicated, your business is not going to last for long. You can prevent this

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