Attracting High-Value Clients In One Vital Step

Consulting Success Podcast - En podcast af Consulting Success - Mandage


Today I’m sharing another chapter from my newest book The Elite Consulting Mind: 16 Proven Mindsets to Attract More Clients, Increase Your Income and Achieve Meaningful Success. This book is full of principles — all proven by elite consultants — that you can use to overcome challenges, remove obstacles, and grow your business significantly. I want to share with you one of the 16 mindsets from the book that is a vital step in achieving next-level consulting success and the opportunity to work with high value clients.Whether you’re just getting into the consulting business or you are a seasoned consulting veteran but aren’t experiencing the level of success and results you desire, this book offers you the advantage you need. Join me as we explore one of the 16 mindsets that elite consultants employ on this special episode of The Consulting Success Podcast. Outreach, Imperfected“What is the most important step you could take right now to get more business?”I posed this question to Bella, a successful consultant who has worked for many high-powered businesses and has clearly enjoyed a successful consulting career. But on this day, she didn’t seem to be enjoying herself at all. She didn’t have an immediate answer to my question, so I tried a different approach.“How do you win new business?”This time she answered quickly, and we dove into a conversation about the essential first step of  meeting with potential clients. The problem that led her to me soon became apparent as she listed off to me the number of reasons why she didn’t feel prepared to put herself in front of new clients at this time. Her message wasn’t polished, her website wasn’t updated. … In short, she was paralyzed by imperfection.I’m sure that you, like most consultants, recognize that getting in front of new clients and creating conversations is the key to growing your business. Despite knowing this, too many consultants find reasons to avoid it. There always seems to be some excuse, a reason to delay, or something else to work on first. We avoid putting ourselves out there because we crave certainty. In hopes of making conditions as perfect as possible, too many consultants work on other things, and keep making excuses. The need to constantly attend to the website, the blog, or the research are just distractions that are keeping you from actually taking the action needed to gain real certainty.Messaging and marketing are two of the biggest hang-ups for far too many consultants. As you prepare your value proposition, many other questions may arise, which can too quickly lead to paralyzing doubts. These doubts lead to a constant tweaking of these details are simply keeping you from taking that critical first step of putting your message into action. Are You A Perfectionist?You want to know that everything is in order before you take action. You work hard to position every word and you wait for the starts to be perfectly aligned before proceeding. You just may be a perfectionist.The problem is that attaining perfection is extremely rare, and even when it does happen, it takes time. Let’s take a look at one of the most famous companies in the world that also happens to be filled with a history of errors and mistakes made in their 130 years in business. If you are a perfectionist, you need to hear the story of Coca-Cola.Despite their many blunders, Coca-Cola remains one of the most recognizable brands and in the world, in large part because they aren’t waiting for perfection to try new things. You shouldn't either. Anytime you start something new or do something you haven’t done before, you face uncertainty, but you can’t let that fear hold you...

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