How Nicholas Kusmich Leaped from a $30,000 Salary to a $2 Million Salary Via Facebook

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Nicholas started out as a pastor who was committed to not relying on his congregation for his salary. That commitment required a side hustle of some sort, which is when Nicholas turned to the internet marketing world. When he started using Facebook as a major advertising platform for his work, he quickly became one of the most recognized agencies/consulting businesses in the market. But that was just the beginning. You won’t want to miss the story of the million-dollar road that this side hustle has taken Nicholas down, on this episode of the Consulting Success Podcast. Don’t Be Just Another Generic Consultant — It’s Time to SpecializeOne of the greatest keys to consulting success that I constantly emphasize is the absolute importance of specializing. It isn’t enough to simply tell people that are you are a consultant for any industry — you have to find your niche and make it work for you. Nicholas learned early in his career that “everyone and their mother” was a generic digital marketing consultant. It just wasn’t enough for him to follow that same overly worn path — and it won’t be enough for you, either. You have to pinpoint what exactly you are going to specialize in and confidently move forward from there. This can seem like a daunting task, and you may assume that everyone has the same skills as you. But you can’t let those thoughts overwhelm you. With a bit of research and perhaps some luck, you may discover that you already have in your possession a specialized skill that is just waiting to be exposed. Discovering this skill set and exploiting it in your favor is what will set you apart as an expert in your industry. For Nicholas that opportunity came at a convention in 2014, where he discovered that he already had a skill that could lend itself well in the marketplace. He knew exactly how to make a profit from Facebook ads, while everyone around him was struggling to figure out what he already knew. By recognizing this, Nicholas carved out a niche for himself, which set him apart from his competition and dramatically increased the demand for his skills. By focusing solely on his niche, Nicholas elevated through the ranks and brought his company to where it is today. As you listen to the story he shares of how he found success, you’ll see how the same approach to specializing can work for you too. Discover Your Niche by Doing Two Simple ThingsAt times it may seem that you are one of dozens of consultants offering the same skills to an oversaturated market. Nicholas has two tips to help pinpoint your area of specialization. First, recognize an underserved segment of your marketplace. If you are a consultant that is often “scratching an itch,” meaning that you’ve already figured out what needs are present, chances are you are also already looking for a solution. Once you know who you need to target, the next step will come easily. Second, target an affluent segment of your target market. You will find greater success if you can identify the thriving companies that are in need of your specialty. By seeking out these companies you will create for yourself a greater opportunity for success within the underserved segment of your marketplace. Your Network Will Always Work for YouThe greatest way to find this kind of success is to keep your finger on the pulse of your industry. By tapping into your already existing network, you’ll be able to easily recognize an underserved market. Within your network, there are needs that are waiting to be filled, and you can discover what these needs are in a variety of ways. Compile a list of the best and worst consultants your clients have ever worked

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