Animal Defenses with OMSI

Here in Portland, Oregon, we're lucky to live so close to a world-class science museum, the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, which we all affectionately call OMSI. A few weeks ago, we got the chance to take a tour of their latest exhibit, Staying Alive: Defenses of the Animal Kingdom, with Sarah, the exhibit's curator. We learned about all sorts of animal defenses, including speed, size, camoflauge, and lots of others. We hope you enjoy this virtual tour - and if you're in Portland, definitely check out this exhibit! It's up through April 2024.     

Om Podcasten

This is a podcast by and for kids giving you the coolest facts about the coolest animals. We research our episodes carefully, distilling the information into manageable segments, focusing on the things that really make these animals unusual. Thanks for listening!