Neila Tazi: L’art et la culture, les leviers du changement

Dans cet épisode de Creative Development with IFC, Makhtar Diop reçoit Neila Tazi, entrepreneure marocaine, parlementaire, fervente défenseure des arts et de la culture et fondatrice du Festival Gnaoua et Musiques du Monde. Au cours de cette discussion riche et inspirante, Neila nous parle de l’Afrique et du monde arabe, intimement liés par la musique, l’art et l’histoire, de sa passion pour les relations humaines, tissées grâce à la musique et de son engagement à servir son pays, le Maroc.  In this episode of Creative Development with IFC, Makhtar Diop is in conversation with Neila Tazi, a Moroccan entrepreneur, parliamentarian, champion of arts and culture, and founder of the Gnaoua World Music Festival. In an informative and inspiring discussion Neila tells us about how Africa and the Arab world are intimately linked through music, art and history; her passion for the connections forged through music, and her commitment to serving her country, Morocco. 

Om Podcasten

IFC’s new podcast series explores how finance and economic development influence--and are influenced by--creative industries around the world. We’re trying to answer the biggest question of all: how people, working together, can create meaningful change.