013: How to stand out while things are CRAZY with Jess Jordana

Right now, it is more important than ever to communicate CLEARLY your value. Jess is talking to us about how we can stand out right now (specifically with our words) and share how we can help our audience. She also shares how she launched her copywriting business and her digital product Promplates. Visit her Promplate shop so you can work on your website copy easily at jessicajordana.com/shop

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Want to become a creative expert without faking it 'till ya make it? Hey! I'm your host, Caroline Van Natta and I'm teaching creatives like you the key that unlocks radical confidence to proudly be known as a creative expert. We're having meaningful conversations with creatives to highlight the mindset shifts it takes to become your industries go to and stop trading $ for hours. Ready to become a creative expert? I have a free training where you’ll find out yes or no if you’re ready to launch an expert product like a course coaching or in-person event. BecomeaCreativeExpert.com 😘