589- New Life with a Natural Advantage, a Soul Arrives Pharma-Free (Free)

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At what point did we decide that nature no longer knows how to bring new life into the world without our medical, pharmaceutical, and technological intervention? At what point did childbirth become connected with fear and danger? We know that bad things can happen, but in truth, isn’t misfortune an infrequent experience? The alchemists of old tell us that the human body can only be made healthy when given things it is made of, or things it needs to build with. A number of doctors who live now have told me that there is no chemical drug that has ever healed, or cured, anyone of anything. The first time I was told this I was in doubt. By the third time I had learned it was true, and that even antibiotics should be considered by the meaning of the word describing them. Anti = against, and Bio = life. Against life. I have many questions with regard to how the birthing experience is administered in the west. So, did God, or the Creation, or Nature, forget how to create, and conduct healthy new life into this realm? Does one size really fit all? If a baby comes into the world healthy, is there any need to administer anything? And finally, does a healthy birth free of pharmaceuticals, or medical intervention, have an advantage over those births that get the “full-works”? I’ll cut to the chase. I have interviewed a number of parents who claim the advantage is not only real, but astonishing. And, these declarations are based on parents who have older children who received the “full treatment”. Enough is enough. Why am I pulling my punches here? “Hey! Teacher! Leave them kids alone!”… of course, unless that is impossible due to circumstance, or misfortune. **NOTE** The fifth solar video is published on the website for members, under the “video” link. On 8/5/24 I filmed a real-time (so-called) CME. Few people will get to witness such an astonishing solar energy release in real-time. Also, I just added a filter wheel with target specialized filters, and a barlow lens to increase what I can achieve. All of my solar work is private, and not for reposting online.

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