46 WHAT ABOUT CX? – A strategy talk with Ritu Bhargava – President and Chief Product Officer, Industries & CX/ CRM

SAP and CX belong together, right? Well, we have no doubt about that as Ritu Bhargava has also confirmed this Symbiosis. Having said that, 2023 has been a special year so far since SAP connects what belong together. Ritu has thus taken over the responsibility of the industries area. What does this mean for SAP and the customers? The answer will be discussed in this special episode. Clearly a focus on industries makes CX even stronger than before and guarantees a sustainable customer loyalty. Listen in and allow yourselves to be enchanted by Ritu and her passion for the subject. Ritu, it has been a great pleasure to have you in our CX Café! Thank you very much Ritu. 👍 Yurdi & Benny wish you a great listening experience and a good coffee. We look forward to seeing you again in our CX Café. Ritu Bhargava: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ritubhargava/

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Impulse, Inspiration, Erfahrungsberichte und auch wertvolle Tipps zu Customer Experience. Willkommen im CX Café. Mit spannenden Gästen diskutieren wir relevante und aktuelle CX Themen aus den unterschiedlichsten Bereichen und Perspektiven. Unser Moderatoren-Duo Yurdi Yesilirmak und Benny Kunkel freuen sich auf dich und haben garantiert die beste Bohne, eine perfekt Röstung und selbstverständlich den fluffigsten Milchschaum. Tritt ein, nimm Platz und genieß dein Erlebnis!