Tiffany Hallmark - 5 Year Active Run Streak, Master Air Force Sergeant

Tiffany has been Air Force Master Sergeant for over 14 years and began her run streak while working at the Pentagon in D.C. She is able to not only get in her run every single day, but has managed to average 7 miles per day. Early on her doctor told her she wouldn't be able to run more than 3 miles. She has since done many marathons and 50k races. Currently she is training to run a sub 3 hour marathon.  --- Support this podcast:

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Streak running (running every single day) is not just about the run, it's about how running sustains us in life. I will share my daily run experience from over 18 years of a daily run streak. I will be interviewing other run streakers as well as sharing tips and motivation in how you can do it too! #dailyrunwithza Support this podcast: