Regularly Revisiting the Basics; Why You NEED to Do This in Your Riding...

Daily Strides Podcast for Equestrians - En podcast af Lorna Leeson


It can seem like something that only novice or beginner riders would worry themselves with; revisiting the basics.  After all, surely there's a point where, as riders, we can 'set and forget' a couple of things in our riding? Basics like position and the aids.  Or trotting and cantering... And I think a lot of this stems from the fact that we see the basics as being, somehow, for beginners.  For riders who are only just getting started on their journey.  Surely not riders who have been hard at work for 5, 10, 40 years... Or riders who are competing at high levels.  And yet, if riders could begin to swap out the word 'basics' and replace it with the 'essential foundations for the current level of work or development', revisiting those old places, from this 'new level', wouldn't seem so bad after all, would it? Read More... More on this Topic:- Join Connection today and transform your riding journey Putting 1 Basic on Autopilot This Month in Your Riding Returning to Riding - Focusing on the Basics What are the Basics when it Comes to Riding The Importance of Correcting and Perfecting the Basics in Your Riding Start with the Basics in Order to Build Confidence Returning to Riding (Basics on Autopilot) Program Online community for equestrians working on their mindset & fitness Online Community for equestrians focusing on re-schooling horses (and ex-racehorse

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