Take Control of Your Productivity

How we spend our days is how we live our lives...   If you want to live your life a different way, you have to spend your days a different way.   Quiz time!    How do you plan your day? Are you: a time blocking ninja (insert raise hand emoji)  a take the day as it comes person a scrambler (insert point right emoji) tries to plan, wants to plan, but it doesn’t happen    Full A (time blocker) right here! I love time blocking and many have been asking me how I do it.    On episode #82 of the Dance Boss Podcast I share with you, my exact step-by-step time blocking process.  DOORS ARE NOW OPEN for my 1-on-1 coaching program! If you want to bring in additional revenue for you and your family, take your creative idea and impact the masses, and build a business that fits your schedule, then schedule your FREE Pursuing Purpose call and let’s see if we are a fit. To learn more - https://bit.ly/dbpcoaching   Check out The Muse by Apolla Performance - www.apollaperformance.com IG/FB @Apollaperfomance

Om Podcasten

Welcome to the Dance Boss Podcast! I'm your host, Erin Pompa. This podcast is for my fellow dance entrepreneurs who are on a mission to share their dance expertise in the online space. You want to impact people across the globe, and you want to impact them in a BIG way! Oh and let’s not forget you want your pockets to reflect that too! Can I get a Heck Yes?! You are tired of playing small and are ready to show up, do the work, and share your message. Each week I help you do just that! Sharing perspectives and strategies that will help dance specialists create 5k months with a signature virtual group training program. I will also share interviews with dance entrepreneurs who are crushing it in the online space, with out-of-the-box ways they serve the dance community, giving you the nudge you need to think bigger, do the work, and most importantly KEEP GOING!