There's Nothing Wrong With Choosing To Be Single

A therapist recently stitched this Tiktok of mine and gave her thoughts on single-by-choice women. She believes that women who forego dating are likely avoidants struggling with unhealed wounds. I believe that’s bullshit. SUBSCRIBE TO LISTEN TO FULL EPISODES: You can become a paid subscriber for $4 monthly to listen to full episodes. You’ll get two weekly Nugget episodes on Mondays and Wednesdays and the weekly full-length advice podcast. Subscribe here: LISTEN TO MORE EPISODES HERE: SUBMIT A DATING QUESTION:

Om Podcasten

My co-host Sarah and I provide incisive - sometimes unflinching - dating advice that reminds you that sometimes the love of your life is the love of your life. We also cover trending pop culture and social media moments that touch on dating, relationships, and single life.