Why Modern Dating Is A Mess & How To Fix It

Dear Men: The call is coming from inside the house. Stop telling women they're shallow golddiggers. You wrote the playbook. We're just playing by your rules. SUBSCRIBE FOR WEEKLY FULL-LENGTH EPISODES If you enjoy these weekly podcasts and find them insightful, please consider supporting my work. Become a paid subscriber for $5 monthly. You’ll get two weekly Nugget episodes on Mondays and Wednesdays and Friday’s full-length advice podcast. That’s 3 episodes a week full of advice, insights, and encouragement for those currently dating or who are single by choice. My goal is to provide encouragement and humor, and show you you’re far more resilient than you think. https://dateologycoach.substack.com/subscribe SUBMIT A DATING QUESTION https://www.dateologycoach.com/submit-a-question CUFFING SEASON IS ALMOST HERE - GET A DATING PROFILE REVIEW - USE CODE PODCAST30 TO SAVE $30 Work with me, and I’ll help you craft the ideal dating profile that is unapologetically YOU, clarifies your intentions and expectations, and keeps away the matches that will waste your time. https://www.dateologycoach.com/bookasession

Om Podcasten

My co-host Sarah and I provide incisive - sometimes unflinching - dating advice that reminds you that sometimes the love of your life is the love of your life. We also cover trending pop culture and social media moments that touch on dating, relationships, and single life.