Lethargic Futures with Missouri Williams' The Doloriad

A dreaded triumvirate episode looms on the horizon as Gareth, Langdon, and Eden dive into the brutal, incisive, and beautifully written "The Doloriad" by Missouri Williams! Under the guise of a post-apocalypse novel, Williams uses this brilliant book to critique hegemonic epistemology, explore topics like veganism and ableism, and above all deliver a host of dreadful, delightful, mysterious, and essential characters. Music by the incandescent Smoulder https://smoulder.bandcamp.com/album/violent-creed-of-vengeance And the efflorescent Lunar Chamber https://listen.20buckspin.com/album/shambhallic-vibrations

Om Podcasten

A podcast about books for people who don't like books, podcasts or capitalism, but who like extreme metal.