S01E01: Isolation, Quarantine, and Human Design
Decondition This! - En podcast af Marianna Milkis

The year 2020 has been one heck of a ride. It has also been a huge social and spiritual experiment. We have been disconnected, isolated, or stuck in close proximity with others more than ever before. Inevitably, this has affected the energies in our bodies. Human design is all about how we energetically affect each other on the interpersonal and collective levels, so, for the first episode, I decided to explore what happened to us under these unexplored circumstances. Tune in to chat about human design in general, energetic experience in quarantine, a new take on the Zoom fatigue, and brief run-down of the Individual, Tribal, and Collective focuses, and more. Please excuse the music hiccups as I am figuring out this podcasting thing. Correction: I did mistakingly say that not everyone is "meant to function as an individual." This is, of course, wrong, as we all are meant to and do function as individuals as we move through lives. The point I was trying to make there was around the purpose and the fact that for some people, isolation may be a more comfortable state than it is for others, whose purpose and focus may be around connecting with the tribe or with the collective as a whole. To get in on the conversation and get your human design chart for free, go to https://jovianarchive.com/Get_Your_Chart or https://www.mybodygraph.com/. Cover art by davisco.