El cop de volant de The Crab Apples
DeliCatessen - En podcast af Catalunya R�dio
�s una de les grans realitats rockeres i femenines del nostre pa�s. Celebrem tots i cadascun dels seus discos, i el nou EP, "Un volantazo", torna a posar-les a l'Olimp del bo i millor de la nostra m�sica. Foto: �Ramen 01 Iris Deco - "Una melangia rara" 02 Rita Pay�s - "El cervatillo" 03 Sopa de Cabra, Beth - "Temps de sega" 04 Cala Vento - "Pau" 05 Joan Colomo - "Tot �s molt dif�cil" 06 Riders of the Canyon - "Fading lights" 07 Joana Serrat - "Are you still here" 08 The Crab Apples - "Ojal�" 09 The Crab Apples - "Tot dona voltes" 10 The Crab Apples - "Lo que somos" 11 The Crab Apples - "Hay luz" 12 Tindersticks - "New world" 13 Myles Sanko - "Stronger" 14 Andrew Bird, Alan Hampton, Ted Poor - "I cover the waterfront" 15 Richard Hawley - "Heavy rain"