Jalen Ngonda, l'hereu de Marvin Gaye
DeliCatessen - En podcast af Catalunya R�dio
Nascut als Estats Units i resident a Londres, aquest jove m�sic ha despertat l'inter�s dels amants del soul. El seu nou disc, "Come around and love me", �s un sentit homenatge als grans cl�ssics del g�nere. 01 Marvin Gaye - "Let's get it on" 02 Jalen Ngonda - "Come around and love me" 03 Jalen Ngonda - "That's all I wanted from you" 04 Jalen Ngonda - "Give me another day" 05 Marvin Gaye - "What's going on" 06 Durand Jones - "See it through" 07 Gabriels - "Angels & queens" 08 F�f�, Son Little - "Falling star" 09 House of El, Reuben James, Carrtoons - "The start" 10 Monophonics, Kelly Finnigan - "Sage motel" 11 Steffen Morrison - "Crazy" 12 Myles Sanko - "Dream chaser" 13 Sarah McCoy - "Weaponize me" 14 Lady Blackbird - "Five feet tall" 15 Celeste - "There will come a day"