Mitski, melodrama de joventut
DeliCatessen - En podcast af Catalunya R�dio
Nascuda al Jap�, per� resident a Nova York de ben petita, Mitsuki Miyawaki �s una jove compositora de can�ons que expressen la r�bia i el descontentament d'una generaci� inc�moda amb el m�n que li ha tocat viure. T� nou disc, "The land is inhospitable and so are we". 01 Guillem Gisbert - "Cantiga de Montse" 02 Guillem Gisbert - "Hauries hagut de venir" 03 Alm�rio, Maria Beth�nia - "Quero voc�" 04 MGMT - "Nothing to declare" 05 MGMT - "Time to pretend" 06 The Smile - "Wall of eyes" 07 Mitski - "Bug like an angel" 08 Mitski - "My love mine all mine" 09 Mitski - "I'm your man" 10 Cigarettes After Sex - " Stop waiting" 11 Marry Waterson, Adrian Crowley - "Watching the starlings" 12 Beirut - "Hadsel" 13 Lana Del Rey - "A&W"