Confidence and Visibility with Lisa Marie Pepe

This is another spotlight from the podcast and celebration party., I had the pleasure of reconnecting with Lisa Marie Pepe, a dear friend and colleague of nearly a decade. We reminisced about our first encounter, when she reached out seeking guidance for her chronic pain. Lisa, a confidence coach and multi-published author, is been a beacon of positivity and empowerment. She passionately shared her mission to help entrepreneurs not only succeed in business but to also find deep self-awareness and self-love. Lisa's unique approach to coaching emphasizes the importance of inner work, forgiveness, and self-acceptance as foundational steps before diving into business strategies. Lisa's journey, is truly inspiring. She believes that true success and transformation come from a place of self-love and confidence. Lisa's dedication to helping her clients dig deep, confront their inner challenges, and emerge stronger is evident throughout our conversation. You can find Lisa on all of the major social media channels.   Amplify Your Success Eliminate blindspots and increase your confidence:  

Om Podcasten

This is the Penny on Your Thoughts podcast hosted by Penny Chiasson, hypnotist, intuitive and experiencer. This podcast is about tapping into your subconscious mind to create a more aligned and abundant life. By leveraging our subconscious, we can master our thoughts, frequency, and vibration. If you’ve been seeking deeper meaning and fulfillment in life go beyond meditation, affirmations and gratitude. Fusing the conscious, subconscious, and our consciousness is the science of expansion and soul satisfaction. Each week you can tap into in-depth interviews or solo episodes. This podcast was created to share how you have the power to activate infinite potential within you. It's my intention that you find this podcast empowering, inspiring, and full of possibility. If you’re ready to open your mind to possibility, this podcast is for you.