32 - How to Stay Motivated in Your Online Work

These tips are not so much about productivity but more about keeping the honeymoon going with your online business. It is a marathon, not a sprint and you need to have fun and stay creative to help your e-business be sustainable over time. I share some tips that I do and also share tips from some wonderful active bloggers. Show notes and resources are at DigitallySassy.com.

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Are you wanting to start a website or blog? Wondering where to begin? Not sure where you should spend your money and where not to? Do you want to rock it online? Diane Martin of Digitally Sassy coaches women entrepreneurs on building and promoting a successful online business. With over 20 years experience she brings a wealth of information to share with you. From building your own WordPress website, creating blogs, gaining skills in social media to providing tools and resources that help your business grow. Yes, you can D.I.Y. your e-business! Let's go!