Whitewashing Dictators
Dissidents and Dictators - En podcast af Human Rights Foundation

Casey sits down with Alex Dukalskis and Adam Scharpf, a pair of academics whose groundbreaking work shines new light on why dictatorships hire Western public relations firms. They talk about just how widespread the issue is, and what PR firms actually do for their dictatorial clients. They also chat about the PR industry's ethics as a whole, and why PR firms are so eager to help authoritarians - and how other democracies can help shine light on the phenomenon. Learn more about their research: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/xk6b6ykobnxv9yiyg0ttn/Dictators_PR_Firms.pdf?dl=0&e=4&rlkey=iq7kxl7z3qwv43u67pnaeqpfn