151: The Church on Ruby Road

What did we think of the 2023 Doctor Who Christmas Special? What did we think of the new Doctor? Why are you reading this? Hit play already! rest in peace, Richard Franklin. 1936-2023. P. S. We ran into a copyright issue around our theme, so excuse the music jump while we come up with an alternative.

Om Podcasten

Doctor Who Podcast by Eric Grissom and Dan Johnson reviewing the classic era. That’s right, this is the good stuff. Hartnell, Troughton, Pertwee, Baker, Davison, the other Baker, and McCoy. Maybe even McGann. Some say they do it because they ran over a magical drifter who cursed them. Others claim the show was willed to them by their long-lost British “Uncle”. Whatever the reason, the one thing you can count on is these two Americans really love Doctor Who.