Politics and Pop Music in East Germany Part 2 (33)

In this episode, our hosts return to look at the broad theme of pop and politics in East Germany. 'So we're looking at ways that East German authorities, the party, the free German youth organization struggled or worked to frame youth culture in a way that was appealing to East German, young people, but also delivered the desired ideological content. John Paul's thesis at the outset here would be that in the 1950s and early 60's the East German authorities, the SED's goal was to create or to have a youth culture that was socialist in form and in content.

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Radio GDR. Life in the former East Germany holds an ongoing fascination for a lot of people. Join us as we learn more about the former East Germany. Radio German Democratic Republic is a podcast designed to educate and inform on the life and times of East Germany. Radio GDR is hosted by Steven Minegar and John Paul Kleiner.