Can�ons per al mes d'abril

El celobert - En podcast af Catalunya R�dio


Abans d'acomiadar aquest mes, potser que li dediquem un programa sencer ple de x�fecs inesperats, tardes allargades, bon temps i flors als balcons. Va per tu, abril. 01 Beach Bunny - "April" 02 Ron Sexsmith - "April after all" 03 Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong - "April in Paris" 04 Eartha Kitt - "Avril au Portugal" 05 Mariana Froes - "Abril" 06 Silvia Perez Cruz - "Ensumo l'abril" 07 The Jesus and Mary Chain - "April skies" 08 Cala Vento - "Abril" 09 Prince - "Sometimes it snows in april" 10 Simon & Garfunkel - "April come she will" 11 Nick Mulvey - "April" 12 Neutral Milk Hotel - "April 8th" 13 Judy Garland - "April showers" 14 Rufus Wainwright - "April fools"