Join our Free Live Workshop „3 Best Strategies for Startups How to Collaborate with Established Companies“

Free registration: This is not a regular podcast episode because today I would like to invite you to our Free Live Workshop "3 Best Strategies for Startups How to Collaborate with Established Companies". This workshop will take place on the 10th of June 2021 at 3pm CET and you are welcome to attend. Collaborations between startups and established companies bring very clear benefits to both sides. The startups provide the innovations, a fresh vision of the future and the speed of implementation. The established companies provide visibility and credibility and a great opportunity for startups to scale. Despite the obvious advantages for both sides, the road to long-lasting win-win collaborations is sometimes very rocky. This does not necessarily have to be the case. Because we work with both sides, startups and global players, when it comes to finding the right cooperation partners, we know directly from practice what leads to success and which mistakes are better to be avoided. This workshop will not be about the theory, but we will speak from real world experience and lift the curtain a bit on what it's like to work at Elite Experts Conferences. This Free Live Workshop is the beginning of a larger program that we are developing to help companies that want to grow with the help of collaborations. Of course, the content is very helpful especially for the startups, but in the end it is useful for everyone who is responsible for business development and where the human factor is very big. So, sign up for the Free Live Workshop and be excited to see what we develop to help you. We want more companies to benefit and thrive from the knowledge and insights of what works and what doesn't when it comes to collaborations. For more visibility, more recognition, more projects and collaborations at eye level, and finally more technological progress for all of us! Registration link can be found in the show notes of this episode and of course on our website So, see you very soon in the live workshop and of course also very soon in the next episode with two super exciting guests. Ludmilla Derr

Om Podcasten

Elite Experts Conferences Podcast: it is always the people who make a technology exciting, who make a brand attractive, who fill a company with corporate culture, a higher sense and vision. It's exactly these brilliant personalities from the tech world that we will present to you in our new digital format. We want to actively involve you as our appreciated community. Therefore we will always introduce the invited guests on LinkedIn first. You can ask the questions you are interested in in the comments and we will take them into account. You can expect the following: super brains of the technical world, innovative lateral thinkers, charismatic techies, modern leaders, courageous people who pursue their visions with passion, promising startups as well as cool global players.