ERP 371: Why “Learn To Compromise” Is Often The Worst Relationship Advice — An Interview With Dr. Alexandra Stockwell

You’ve probably heard the well-meaning relationship advice to “learn to compromise.” It seems like a reasonable solution to navigate differences and find middle ground. But what if I told you that this popular advice might be doing more harm than good? In this thought-provoking discussion with Dr. Jessica Higgins and Dr. Alexandra Stockwell, we explore why the conventional wisdom of compromise may not be the ultimate solution for relationship harmony. If you're tired of settling for less and yearn for a relationship that thrives on passion, understanding, and unwavering closeness, then this episode is an absolute must-listen. Prepare to embark on a journey towards uncompromising intimacy, where compromise takes a backseat, and authentic connection takes center stage. Known as “The Intimacy Doctor,” Alexandra Stockwell, MD, is an Intimate Marriage Expert who specializes in coaching ambitious, successful couples to build beautiful, long-lasting, passionate relationships. She is the bestselling author of “Uncompromising Intimacy,” host of The Intimate Marriage Podcast, and creator of the Aligned & Hot Marriage program. Dr. Alexandra has been featured in the Huffington Post, Rolling Stone, USAToday, Cosmopolitan, Business Insider, Thriveglobal, Mindbodygreen, FOX NEWS, and many more. Check out the transcript of this episode on Dr. Jessica Higgin's website. In this episode 5:17 Dr. Stockwell’s personal journey that led her to focus on relationships and intimacy. 12:46 The significance of personal transformation and setting positive examples for others in fostering healthy relationships and self-discovery. 17:21 Challenging the notion of compromise in marriage: Discovering a vibrant and satisfying intimacy. 27:41 Uncompromising intimacy: The Key to vibrant and fulfilling relationships. 32:53 The impact of unspoken compromises: Nurturing vulnerable honesty for deeper connection. 38:40 Embracing authenticity and empowering relationships through uncompromising intimacy. 51:11 Cultivating sensory awareness and unleashing the power of pleasure in intimacy. 56:07 Connect with Dr. Stockwell and learn more about the tools and principles for a committed partnership and creating lasting and fulfilling connections. Mentioned Uncompromising Intimacy: Turn Your Unfulfilling Marriage into a Deeply Satisfying, Passionate Partnership (*Amazon Affiliate link) (book) The Intimate Marriage Podcast (*Spotify link) (podcast) Aligned and Hot Marriage (program) Relationship Map To Happy, Lasting Love Shifting Criticism For Connected Communication Connect with Dr. Alexandra Stockwell Websites: TikTok: YouTube: Instagram: LinkedIn: Connect with Dr. Jessica Higgins Facebook:  Instagram:  Podcast: Pinterest:  LinkedIn:  Twitter: @DrJessHiggins  Website:   Email: [email protected] If you have a topic you would like me to discuss, please contact me by clicking on the “Ask Dr. Jessica Higgins” button here.  Thank you so much for your interest in improving your relationship.  Also, I would so appreciate your honest rating and review. Please leave a review by clicking here.  Thank you!   *With Amazon Affiliate Links, I may earn a few cents from Amazon, if you purchase the book from this link.  

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The Empowered Relationship Podcast helps you turn relationship challenges into opportunities and sets you up for relationship success, satisfaction, and intimacy. This podcast is designed to inspire, motivate, and guide individuals and couples into more empowered, conscious, and evolved ways of loving.