Overcoming Jonathan Haidt's Anxious Generation and Parenting Kids in Faith Beyond a Phone-based Childhood

In this episode, Dr. Kathy discusses how Gen Z is the first generation to experience puberty with smartphones, referred to as "portals in their pockets," which draw them into an addictive and unsuitable digital world. The discussion is inspired by Jonathan Haidt's new book, "The Anxious Generation," which delves into the impact of a phone-based childhood on mental health. Haidt highlights concerning trends, such as girls visiting emergency rooms due to feelings of inadequacy from social media, while boys are getting injured less due to decreased outdoor play. The episode explores the implications of these findings on the well-being of today's youth.

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Daily encouragement from a multitude of speakers, led by Dr. Kathy Koch. All topics covered are helpful not only to kids and their parents, but also to single adults, married couples, teachers, social workers, pastors, and many more. We hope you can be encouraged through these messages, send it to a friend so they can join you in joy and growth!