Repairing Parent-Child Rifts from Culture on Gender Identity When States Step In

Today on the Celebrate Kids podcast, Dr. Kathy discusses the challenging topic of gender identity in children. She delves into the recent bans on gender-affirming care for minors in 22 states, highlighting the clash between conservative politicians and medical consensus. The episode explores the role of parents and doctors in decision-making regarding puberty blockers and hormone therapy, raising questions about government intervention in medical transitions for minors. Join the conversation on navigating gender identity issues within families.

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Daily encouragement from a multitude of speakers, led by Dr. Kathy Koch. All topics covered are helpful not only to kids and their parents, but also to single adults, married couples, teachers, social workers, pastors, and many more. We hope you can be encouraged through these messages, send it to a friend so they can join you in joy and growth!