White and Black Swan Events

A swan is a beautiful bird that swims in the water. White swans are very common, but you don’t believe a black swan exists until you see one for yourself. The term Black Swan was popularized by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, a renowned professor, economist, and writer. Taleb initially introduced this concept to describe highly improbable events with massive implications in financial markets and later broadened its application to encompass historical, scientific, and other significant occurrences. Nobody sees the coming, and when they do, people say ‘oh, why didn’t we see this coming?’

Om Podcasten

A podcast for people who need to speak and read about the economy in English. Alan Robert has been teaching business English to economists for 20 years. Join him for these weekly business English lessons that include news and headlines you can use to learn the English vocabulary you need to read, write and speak about the economy. These business English podcast lessons focus on current events and teach you English vocabulary for economics finance, business, banking, and government.