An Interview with Penny Walker CEnv

Note: This episode was recorded in December 2019, before the awareness of the pandemic COVID-19. Therefore, upcoming events mentioned in this episode will not be held as stated, due to UK Government advice. Penny Walker is an independent facilitator, trainer, coach and consultant working to bring about change for sustainable development.She supports and energises individuals to make a real difference within their organisations, as they make their way towards sustainability.Change Managem...

Om Podcasten

Our monthly EnvCast podcast series is designed to provide insight into the lives of environmental professionals. What drives them? How did they get where they are today? Why do they do what they do? The selection of Chartered Environmentalists, Registered Environmental Practitioners and Registered Environmental Technicians that we’ll be interviewing each month is as diverse as our register is, with our podcasts featuring environmental experts from across a variety of sectors and disciplines. Areas of expertise range from air quality to waste management, water to engineering. You can make sure not to miss any of our podcasts by subscribing now! // LinkedIn: Society for the Environment // Twitter: @SocEnv_HQ // YouTube: Society for the Environment // website: