EEC 327: Building Wealth and Balance, The Susannah Cole Story

Susannah Cole started in property because she had a problem to solve. As a head of household with two little children, her month and money were only just meeting (and sometimes there was a gap) and she wanted more time with her family rather than having to swap her time for money at work. How does Susannah adapt her strategies to stay ahead in such a dynamic industry Do you have any tips for entrepreneurs on achieving work-life harmony? What impact does Susannah hope to achieve in empowering aspiring property investors and entrepreneurs? In the ever-changing landscape of the economy, how does she navigate uncertainties and adapt her property investment strategies? Susannah Cole Susannah Cole started in property because she had a problem to solve. As a head of household with two little children, her month and money were only just meeting (and sometimes there was a gap) and she wanted more time with her family rather than having to swap her time for money at work. She could see the property could deliver that, so she set to! She started The Good Property Company in 2011, as a kitchen table start-up. At first, the goal was to source deals for investors, work on JV flips, and then invest in property for herself and her family, to reach Financial Freedom and get to her personal goal which was more time with her family and loved ones, and the relatively passive money coming in, to not worry about money! In the first four 1/2 years of being full-time in property, The Good Property Company sourced more than 200+ properties, all in Bristol, with a value of over £45 million, at a purchase price of £30 million (before refurb). She was asked by Wendy, who became her first student, to share her simple step-by-step, and since then she has taught thousands of students to flip, deal source, JV, find investors, and undertake the journey to get to Financial Freedom, so they can reach their goals, and spend more time with their family and friends, and live life on their terms. Excellent Executive Coaching Podcast If you have enjoyed this episode, subscribe to our podcast on iTunes. We would love for you to leave a review. The EEC podcasts are sponsored by MKB Excellent Executive Coaching that helps you get from where you are to where you want to be with customized leadership and coaching development programs. MKB Excellent Executive Coaching offers leadership development programs to generate action, learning, and change that is aligned with your authentic self and values. Transform your dreams into reality and invest in yourself by scheduling a discovery session with Dr. Katrina Burrus, MCC to reach your goals. Your host is Dr. Katrina Burrus, MCC, founder and general manager of Excellent Executive Coaching a company specialized in leadership development.

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Excellent Executive Coaching podcast will examples of leadership coaching issues and challenges. Excellent Executive Coaching will provide leadership coaching tips, strategies and resources that can resolve leadership issues. Subscribe today to learn about coaching top global leaders and their trials and successes. The Excellent Executive Coaching podcast is a platform of discussion and a source of knowledge sharing between professional coaches and leaders. It promotes continued education for executive coaches and leaders around the world. This podcast is mostly devoted to personal development and leadership coaching. The host is Dr. Katrina Burrus. She is a First Master Certified Coach from the International Coaching Federation in Switzerland and founding Board Member for ICF Switzerland. She has served as an adjunct professor to several universities and speaks around the world on the topics of leadership coaching and Global Nomadic leadership and has been working as an executive coach for global leaders since 1994.