EEC 334: How to Harness the Power of Cognitive Biases, with Lisa Tromba

For more than 25 years, Lisa Tromba has guided companies from mid-market enterprises to Fortune 100 powerhouses in searching for and selecting their executive leadership. You talk about what you call “mind knots.” What exactly are they, and how do they impact leaders? What are some strategies leaders can use to identify their own prominent mind knots? You suggest leaders should ask themselves one key question every day: Who am I practicing becoming? Why is this question so important, and how can it help leaders transform their mind knots into tools that move them and their organizations forward? You call attention to the fact that while cognitive and emotional biases are important to understand when selecting leaders, it’s a leadership lens that is overlooked in most organizations. Can you explain more about the importance of this lens and why it matters? In your book, you refer to what you call a “Captain’s Compass.” Can you describe what a Captain’s Compass is and how it can help leaders overcome their cognitive biases? Lisa Tromba Managing partner Lisa Tromba is founder of Leadership Intelligence Services, LLC and founder of Lisa Tromba Associates – Executive Search (formerly Luisi Tromba Advisors, of which she was co-founder). For more than 25 years, Tromba has guided companies from mid-market enterprises to Fortune 100 powerhouses in searching for and selecting their executive leadership. Today, she caters to lower- to mid-market companies in search of executive leadership. Her high-touch, high-impact, solution-oriented approach includes assessing the impact of psychological bias on leadership. Tromba has spoken on leadership topics to corporate, trade, and academic audiences, including Executive MBA participants. Publications featuring her work include Chief Executive Magazine, the AMA Quarterly, and she is quoted in the book From Cinderella to CEO. Excellent Executive Coaching Podcast If you have enjoyed this episode, subscribe to our podcast on iTunes. We would love for you to leave a review. The EEC podcasts are sponsored by MKB Excellent Executive Coaching that helps you get from where you are to where you want to be with customized leadership and coaching development programs. MKB Excellent Executive Coaching offers leadership development programs to generate action, learning, and change that is aligned with your authentic self and values. Transform your dreams into reality and invest in yourself by scheduling a discovery session with Dr. Katrina Burrus, MCC to reach your goals. Your host is Dr. Katrina Burrus, MCC, founder and general manager of Excellent Executive Coaching a company specialized in leadership development.

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Excellent Executive Coaching podcast will examples of leadership coaching issues and challenges. Excellent Executive Coaching will provide leadership coaching tips, strategies and resources that can resolve leadership issues. Subscribe today to learn about coaching top global leaders and their trials and successes. The Excellent Executive Coaching podcast is a platform of discussion and a source of knowledge sharing between professional coaches and leaders. It promotes continued education for executive coaches and leaders around the world. This podcast is mostly devoted to personal development and leadership coaching. The host is Dr. Katrina Burrus. She is a First Master Certified Coach from the International Coaching Federation in Switzerland and founding Board Member for ICF Switzerland. She has served as an adjunct professor to several universities and speaks around the world on the topics of leadership coaching and Global Nomadic leadership and has been working as an executive coach for global leaders since 1994.