ETI Show 21 (Exotica, Vintage Hawaiian, Island, Tiki Music with Mermaids)

Prepare to travel to the Main Beach for a short visit before we embark on an adventure as we follow the jungle trail all the way up to the north end of the Island to visit the Enchanted Falls. And if we're lucky (and we usually are), we may see mermaids that frequent this paradise hideaway. Some of the artist that will be played on this show include: Robert Drasnin, Lex Baxter, Rodger Rodger, Duke Kamoku and his Islanders and many more. So get ready for fun and adventure and maybe even mermaids in show 21!

Om Podcasten

Aloha and Welcome to the Exotic Tiki Island Podcast with your host Tiki Brian. Join Tiki Brian as he travels to different areas of Exotic Tiki Island while playing vintage Hawaiian, Exotica and Island related music from his personal LP record collection. Get ready to transcend back to an island tropical world with swaying palm trees, cool gentle ocean breezes and golden sandy beaches. Plus there will be a few surprises along the way. So lay back in your hammock, take a sip of your favorite cocktail, relax and enjoy some wonderful vintage musical treasures with Tiki Brian.