Moving Your Family Beyond the Matrix
Famous at Home - En podcast af Josh + Christi Straub - Onsdage

Whether you realize it or not, you’re living in a matrix that shapes how you think, feel, and live your life. And your family, for better or worse, is along for the ride. Welcome to Season 3, what we’re calling, Beyond the Matrix. In this episode, we challenge you to ask one question: Why are you doing what you’re doing as a family? More specifically, who, or what, is shaping the decisions you make? Do you know why you’re making the decisions you are? Have you ever thought about flipping things upside down and going against what’s “conventional” for our day and age? We take a listener question that, though may not be your circumstance, applies to many of us who feel stuck in how we lead our families. Time Stamps:0:00 Introduction1:00 Introduction to Season 3: Beyond the Matrix6:26 The macro and micro “matrixes” that shape your family10:40 Christi describes her “macro matrix”15:30 Josh describes his “macro matrix”18:00 Why are we doing what we’re doing as a family?19:08 How the ladders of society shape today’s family22:54 God redeems our enslavement to a matrix24:40 Listener question: Unhappy wife and mother with two young kids not sure if she should work or stay home29:48 Working toward the version of you that loves best35:18 Sacrifice and inconvenience as part of the journey39:28 How is family being shaped? 41:42 Closing prayer Show Notes: Order a copy of the Famous at Home book to put your family center stage. Click here:, interested in The Field Experience? Sign up for the waitlist: Ladies, interested in a Tender & Fierce Cohort in 2025? Sign up for waitlist: Download NONAH's new single Find My Way Home by clicking here: The Famous at Home podcast is made possible by listeners like you. We'd be honored to have you partner with us in helping bring revival to today's family. Click here to donate.