Episode 209: Ask Fansplaining Anything: Part 17

In the newest (17th!) installment of the “Ask Fansplaining Anything” series, Flourish and Elizabeth read a mix of responses to recent episodes and fresh queries. Topics discussed include communal versus solitary fandom, how the “BNF” role shifts when global fandoms rely on fan translations, asexuality and aromanticism in fic, their (EXTREMELY MIXED) experiences running surveys, and, importantly, AMC’s Interview with the Vampire.

Om Podcasten

Fansplaining is a podcast about by, for, and about fandom. It’s hosted by Flourish Klink and Elizabeth Minkel. New episodes come out every two weeks. If you want to call us and leave a message for us to read on air, our number is 1-401-526-FANS!