Just say yes! The Everlasting Change of How You Work – Post-it Note by Post-it Note

Fast Forward

Digitalization forces us to change our way of working.

Agile methods form the leading paradigm in product development right now – but is of use in marketing and human resources as well.

The agile philosophy, as opposed to the old waterfall paradigm, outlines an open-end process. You produce smaller features of the larger end product, test it on users – and then go back, refine and revive. Instead of working for a long time to reach a large goal, you get more releases by working in a co-creative environment.

But what are the drawbacks? When should I use agile methods? What is demanded from my colleagues and employees? And is this as new as all the buzzwords imply?

You will hear 

Johanna Berlinde, Head of Media and Entertainment, Telia Company

Charlotte Svensson, Head of Communication Services, member of Group Executive Team, Postnord

Sofie Nilsson, process manager, Doberman