Why is this titled ChatGPT, ChatGPT, ChatGPT?

Both Matts’ have an interesting follow-up conversation with Cris Ippolite of iSolutions about the impacts and future of AI. While there isn’t as much specific to FileMaker, the implications of how AI will effect any technologist should not be ignored.

Om Podcasten

FileMaker Talk is a podcast covering topics related to the software application FileMaker Pro. FileMaker provides a diverse array of features and functionality and you'll find all kinds of related topics discussed in this podcast. From high-profile interviews to simple ranting and gab about FileMaker, we cover everything we can within this tight-knit community. Well-known personalities Matt Petrowsky of ISO FileMaker Magazine (www.filemakermagazine.com) and Matt Navarre (msnmedia.com) are your hosts for the show.