Improv, Revenue Operations & Enablement with Jen Igartua - 301

My Catalyst this week is Jen Igartua.  Jen is the CEO at Go Nimbly.  She and her team help SaaS companies drive revenue by creating a frictionless, human buying experience with RevOps. This is another one of those episodes that has a lot of range, and ends with some things you can start doing inside your organiztaion to reduce friction in the buying process with your customers. RevOps, plants, improv, enablement - what could be better. Show Links Jen on LinkedIn Go Nimbly Execute Better. Start getting the right things done, in the right order, and grow your business.  Connect with Mike Mike Simmons Catalyst Sale

Om Podcasten

We all have problems we are looking to solve. We know that there are solutions out there, but we struggle with this. How do we find the solution, where does the nudge come from to help us take the next step, and start solving tough problems. The intention of this podcast is to help you find your catalyst and take that next step. The Find My Catalyst Podcast is a weekly podcast with Catalyst Sale founder Mike Simmons. We discuss real stories with practical application, in the context of leadership, problem solving, decision making, thinking, goal setting and execution. Other topics discussed include - Systems, Frameworks, Sales Strategy, Revenue Operations, Training, Onboarding, Sales Enablement, Organization Enablement, Workforce Development, Coaching, and Mentoring.