S8 Ep2: Nora Bone

Ruth and Ange read out some of your amazing stories and ponder why Ange cant eat chicken from the bone, which Ruth believes is Dickish Behaviour!  There is a brilliant dilemma from a couple that listen together on the regs and we have a fun chat as always about our mum Margs!  We love hearing from you, you can find the girls on Instagram @angecorden and @ruth_corden you can find the podcast ok instagram, Facebook, tiktok and YouTube just search finding the funny podcast or you can send us an email [email protected]

Om Podcasten

Meet Ange and Ruth Corden, funny, straight talking, slightly sweary sisters who spend roughly half an hour a week finding the funny in the sh*t that is life. From the big questions to the continued frustrations of having to "adult", this podcast is bound to get you laughing. When we are not recording you can find us on insta @angecorden and @ruth_corden Email us [email protected]