S9 Ep2: Stanley Cups

This week is full of Patty and Ange tangents (Pangents if you will) and our opening chat is pretty much the whole episode! So strap yourselves in! Ange comes with some interesting chat about people having 'inner monologues' and tells a story about the Hairspray DVD. Patty tells us about some pj's she bought for her mother-in-law and we both have a good ol' rant about Stanley Cups! We love hearing you! You can find the pod on social media platforms just search Finding the Funny podcast and you can find Ruth and Ange on Instagram, @ruth_corden and @angecorden, or send us an email [email protected] Also be sure to share this and tell your friends! Tag us on Instagram and we will share. 

Om Podcasten

Meet Ange and Ruth Corden, funny, straight talking, slightly sweary sisters who spend roughly half an hour a week finding the funny in the sh*t that is life. From the big questions to the continued frustrations of having to "adult", this podcast is bound to get you laughing. When we are not recording you can find us on insta @angecorden and @ruth_corden Email us [email protected]