Math Success in High School

Math Success in High School In “Math Success in High School,” Episode, #186, Meredith Curtis talks about that subject that many homeschool moms dread – MATH! High school success is easier than you think. You need confidence, a game plan, good study habits, and sometimes help from outside the home. You will be encouraged from this podcast and have a workable plan to move forward.         Powerline Productions, Inc. Bringing Homeschool Joy to Families Everywhere!   Show Notes If you don’t like Math, don’t tune me out. 4 Reasons Students Do Poorly in Math * They think they can’t do it * They have poor study habits when it comes to Math * They do it in spurts rather than consistently * Moms are afraid of Math and pass on the fear What’s Great about Math? * Concrete – right or wrong * Incremental * Teaches Problem-Solving * Exercise for the Brain * Exercise for our Logic Muscle Why Kids Can Be Confident in Math * Each child is fearfully and wonderfully made * Each child can do ALL THINGS through Christ who gives us strength * Negative Voices in the Head can be Silenced * Study Habits & Game Plan are Key in Conqueroring Math Game Plan & Study Habits * Do Math first thing (or as soon as you are awake) 4-5 times a week * Lead from Success to Success to Success * Learn each concept well before moving on (fractions, decimals, borrowing, order of operation, making 10) * Memorize Multiplication Tables * Memorize Basic Formulas My Experience with Math * Early years to High school * Challenges & What I Did * Getting Help Get Help! * Tutoring * Online Classes * Tutoring & Online Classes both Available at True North Homeschool Academy * Leanne - Pre-Algebra, Algebra, Algebra II Sign up for our Newsletter Sign up for our updates and get your copy of 100 Homeschool Hacks FREE. Sign up here.       Online Math Classes  Check out all the great classes at True North Homeschool Academy!   Thank You to our Network Sponsor – CTC Math!

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