2.16.2024: Freestyle Academy Part 3 With Tony Macri and Successful Freestyle Assessment Students

PSIA-AASI First Chair Podcast host George Thomas catches up with National Team member Tony Macri and a few successful FS candidates from the National Freestyle Academy event at Woodward-Park City. George talks with Diego about his experience at the full 5-day event and how his experience was. Joel got his Alpine FS I and talked about the experience with the instructors and the facility. Joel goes on to say that the examiners were so attentive and helpful throughout the entire process. Connor got his FS II and talked about how the small group he was in was very encouraging. Keeley discusses the mutual support among candidates, the importance of creating inclusive exam environments, and the value of bringing experiences from national events to our region. On top of this, Keeley has a great crew back home from Mt. Hood Meadows that stepped in to support her through the process. George questions all guests on the personal impact of the event and what it meant to them and then asks if they recommend National Freestyle

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More than 32,000 individuals belong to PSIA-AASI (Professional Ski Instructors of America and American Association of Snowboard Instructors), making it the world’s largest organization dedicated to skiing and snowboarding. Listen in to hear how PSIA-AASI gets people stoked on the ski and snowboard experience. Join us and turn your passion into a profession. Or, take a lesson from us. Friends don’t let friends teach friends. Let the snow fly! Remember: Taking a lesson is the best way to learn how to ski and snowboard, so go with a pro! Visit the Professional Ski Instructors of America and the American Association of Snowboard Instructors (PSIA-AASI) “Take a Lesson” page at https://www.thesnowpros.org/takealesson or watch more videos at http://tiny.cc/GoWithAProVideos. Have fun and see you on the slopes! Learn More: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thesnowpros Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thesnowpros Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/thesnowpros YouTube: @thesnowpros