Episode 15: The Fudd-Flynt Complex for Editions Eric Schmid (Montez Press Radio)

Flavortone has produced a mini episode for Edition Erich Schmid on Montez Press Radio. Alec  & Nick articulate “The Fudd-Flynt Complex” which charts a Fuddsian analysis of the work of Henry Flynt as splicing the species war between Math & Language (Rabbit & Duck Season) into the world of Elmer Season—where Flynt’s ideas of “Meta-Technology,” “Concept Art,” “Veramusement,” “Brend,” and “Acognitive Culture” turn the hunt inward & beyond. The work was presented alongside other work by Benjamin Scott and Matt Voor. 

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Flavortone is a music commentary podcast hosted by Nick Scavo and Alec Sturgis.