How To Pray | Christ's Message on Practice

Since prayer is at the heart of the Christ’s sadhana (and also that of Sri Ramakrishna) we’re going to ask the question “How To Pray?” What is prayer exactly and how can I do it? In this lecture, we first have a discussion on the centrality of prayer in spiritual life before defining prayer and then asking "who should I pray to?" We present the theory of the Ishta Devata, or Chosen Ideal to demonstrate that what you are praying to is not at all as important as the power of the prayer itself, i.e the object of your love is not as great as that love itself for God is Love. Then, we discuss about 5 different types of prayer.Over the past couple of weeks we’ve explored two aspects of Christ’s life and teachings: Renunciation (which is in some ways, the start of genuine spiritual life) and Forgiveness (which he achieved as a result of perfection in spiritual life, that is to say, the end).  Today we’re going to discuss the middle: Christ’s message on practice!   As such, this is the third installment in our lecture series on Christ, if you don't include the Q&A! You can watch the previous videos in this series here:5 Reasons to Renounce Everything for God | Christ's Message of Renunciation To Forgive Your Enemies | Christ's Message of Forgiveness vs "Church"-ianity | A Yogi Discusses the Bible week I hope to expand the discussion a bit and suggest five or so more ways to pray!Remember:Lectures happen live every Monday at 7pm PST.  There's Q&A from 8-10pm PST right after.It is free and open to the public. All are welcome!Use this link and I will see you there: the show

Om Podcasten

The world of Yoga is wide and varied. In this podcast, yogi Nish the Fish shares the deeper dimensions of Yoga, Vedanta and Tantra, asking the big questions: why do we practice? What is meditation? What is the purpose of a human life? What is Beauty? What is Death? Nishanth Selvalingam studied various South Asian philosophies with his Shaivite grandfather in an ashram in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and moved to Los Angeles to study philosophy, teach yoga and play guitar in a rock band. Join him and special guests as they explore Yoga, in all its splendours. For more episodes and instruction, and to support this humble offering of the heart, visit me on Patreon: