27 - Malal hii, Malal huu, Malal hoo, Malal haa

Did you sing the episode title? If so, I won't apologize for that earworm. It fits with the theme of Chaos that we see coming up more and more in GW publications as time progresses. This episode, we're taking a look at the Third Citadel Compendium  However, where Chaos is on the rise, content is slacking. The first two iterations also gave us a lot of gaming articles, this one is mostly about modelling, painting and the catalogue pages. Still, plenty of stuff to go on. And of course a brand new comic strip featuring Kaleb Daark, a hero of the Chaos god Malal. What, never heard of him? Well, can't blame you. There's a reason, as you will hear.   Links to the articles discussed:   Lords of the Lance book preview: https://www.fnac.com/livre-numerique/a19279544/Graham-McNeill-Lords-Of-The-Lance Old World Almanack Grail Knights: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/12/11/old-world-almanack-living-saints-and-special-rules/ (and of course my YT review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkwXynZavno). Third Citadel Compendium on Stuff of Legends: http://solegends.com/citcat1985comp3/index.htm Kaleb Daark: https://warhammerfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Kaleb_Daark Malal: https://warhammerfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Malal     #warhammer #warhammertheoldworld #gamesworkshop #warhammerfantasy #oldhammer     Want to get in touch? Here's a bunch of links. www.forcesoffantasy.comhttps://forcesoffantasy.podbean.com/ E: forcesoffantasy [at] gmail [dot] comSubscribe to the YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/@forcesoffantasy. Come check out the Forces of Fantasy Facebook community at https://www.facebook.com/groups/forcesoffantasypodcast, follow https://www.facebook.com/forcesoffantasy for all the latest news and join the Forces of Fantasy Patreon for exclusive bonus content at https://www.patreon.com/forcesoffantasy. 

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A podcast dedicated to any and all editions, iterations and spin-offs of Warhammer Fantasy, including but not limited to Oldhammer, HeroHammer, Middlehammer, The Old World, Man O’ War, Mordheim and boxed games such as Battle Masters and HeroQuest. No Age of Sigmar though.