Episode 88: Number 2 [numeric]

In this second episode of our numeric sequence we explore the balanced, active, self-conscious number 2 - our only even prime! - and all tarot-related topics relating to it.  We touch upon numerology, Pythagorean thought, related shapes and symbols. We also comprehensively explore the concepts and correspondences of Chokmah, the second of the 10 sephiroth on the Tree of Life. Cards covered in this episode: - the four Twos - Numbered majors: Card 2, the High Priestess; card 11, Justice (in Rider Waite Smith) or Lust (in Thoth); card 20, Judgement (in Rider Waite Smith) or Aeon (in Thoth). -  Majors associated with paths from Chokmah:  the Fool, the Empress, the Emperor (Rider Waite Smith-based decks)/the Star (Thoth-based decks), and the Hierophant Brought to you by the number 2 and the letter ב! Music: Starry Wisdom, by Misty Roses To learn more about the astrological architecture of the tarot, the Kabbalistic correspondences, and much, much more, be sure to visit us at www.patreon.com/fortuneswheelhouse. You can also shop for Fortune's Wheelhouse T-shirts, mugs, backpacks, stickers, and more! at our RedBubble shop.  

Om Podcasten

Fortune’s Wheelhouse is a podcast about esoterics and the tarot. The show is hosted by Susie Chang and Mel Meleen. Its first 22 episodes look closely at esoteric imagery in the major arcana of the Rider Waite Smith and Thoth tarot decks,